Argument Starters

Argument Starters

Nic Molyneux and Ben Mann are creatives at whiteGREY Melbourne. Here they argue the benefits of arguing.

If you’ve ever been stuck in a war-room with Ben and I, you’ll know that we argue a lot. We’re both opinionated, we disagree on many things, but that means when we do actually agree on an idea, it’s generally pretty good.

For our own creative process, a key ingredient is always thrashing out a thought to see if it can take it. So for this Inspiration Issue, rather than a deck of thought starters, we figured we’d create a deck of argument starters, to help teams practice finding creativity in ‘robust’ discussion.

Because there’s a right and a wrong way to argue. The internet and comment sections are constantly exposing each of us to shitty, poorly thought-out spats that are lowering the bar and turning ‘argue’ into a dirty word.

A good argument has logic, evidence and actually tries to change minds, not just stir the pot.

We’re not talking about shouting for shouting’s sake. We’re not talking about shouting at all. It’s about fighting for your ideas, digging your heels in when you think you’re right but always aware that you might be wrong.

The credo at whiteGREY is Tension Creates Extraordinary. If two perspectives are always the same, you don’t need one of them. A productive argument requires staying honest, staying humble and remembering that no-one in this industry is better or smarter than anyone else. We just make ads.

We’re in the selling game. So sell. Sell the reasons why you’re right.

And if you can’t, then you might be wrong. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


This deck of argument starters has been designed to help creative types practice their arguing skills. See if you and your creative partner can use them and still be friends afterwards.

*These cards don’t reflect our personal beliefs. Only some of them. We both agree that cake isn’t that good.

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