What if...

What if...

Images and words by Natalie Rempalski.

Weighing up the decision to move my life across the world for a job, to a place where I knew no one created weeks of emotional warfare inside my head: go, don’t go, yes, no, maybe, I don’t know... 

When faced with choice paralysis at this scale, we’re told to “trust our gut,” but I can say with certainty if I simply “trusted my gut” I never would’ve taken the job overseas.

I wouldn’t have become a strategist, developed new lifelong friendships and, most importantly, proved my resilience to myself. 

Reflecting on that time of uncertainty, I was struck with the realization that we often misread these fearful “gut feelings” as “signs” that we’re making the “wrong choice.” When in reality, decisions that push us to the edge of our comfort zone feel wrong, even if they’re good for us. 

We need to step back and remind ourselves there is no “wrong” choice.

We need to get out of our own way, quiet the stream of “what if’s” in our heads and go for it. You might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of – and hey, it’ll be a good story no matter what happens.

Nat’s calligraphy: @loud_eyes

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